Teaching with Scalable Game Design (Virtual Classroom Training)
The professional development course for teachers, Teaching with Scalable Game Design, prepares teachers to introduce students to their first programming experience with AgentCubes Online. Teachers leave the course with lesson plans and game examples for immediate classroom implementation

Learning Objectives
Teach computational thinking (CT) concepts and processes to students
Create 3D games with AgentCubes Online
Learn about the pedagogy behind the Scalable Game Design curriculum and its impact on learning
Develop lesson plans, assist students, learn about research, expand knowledge and understanding
Use CT assessment instruments to evaluate student learning
Target Audience
School teachers (primary and secondary education)
School principals and teacher educators
Students of teaching
Professional Development Certificate issued by the University of Applied Sciences HMKW
10 days before course starts
Course Delivery
Virtual classroom with Zoom (Distance Learning)
Course Duration
2 days (16 hours)
Course Fees
300 Euro